Tips for choosing podiatrist
The basic podiatry treatment begins with a thorough examination of the condition of the skin and nails to understand the reasons that caused the foot problem, for example, the use of the wrong footwear, an incorrect way of walking, etc. This treatment guarantees the immediate improvement of painful symptoms but should not be considered a definitive cure for the pathology. Callosity means a manifestation of cutaneous and subcutaneous hypertrophy secondary to morphological alterations of the foot that produce overload. Performed services Ingrown toenail An ingrown toenail is a lesion of the nail groove caused by the nail, usually in the big toe. The triggering factors are inadequate shoes: small or with a too-narrow toe and false nails cut. The Melbourne Podiatry Clinics intervenes by removing the painful nail plug and, through suitable dressings, protecting the inflamed skin tissues and the nail to bring it back to physiological conditions. Plantar warts The Podiatrist...